Sunday, April 25, 2010


Oh my goodness...I have just run 20km's in just over 2 hours along the well-known Cape Town promenade. Any early morning and evening you will find hundreds of Capetonians and foreigners making this paved walkway their choice for excercise or leisure. Well-groomed Golden Retrievers and Pugg's, who imitate their owners with their noses in the air, often accompany their owners.I have had many a training session along this route since I started running in February 2010. I am going to miss it. The smell of the sea just a couple feet away, the sound of the gawking, brilliant white sea birds and the slow motion swells that sweep into the bay. These will all be mere memories in a couple weeks.

But, I am exchanging the view of the vast Indian and Atlantic ocean for stretches of greenery and tarred roads, walled by tall trees. When you enter 'Worplesdon, Guildford' in Google, one can easily see that this terrain is a tad different to what I am used to. I look forward to a 'change of scenery'. It can only do the soul good...

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